Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Respect is the Key to Success

            As a business administration major, I learn on a daily basis the importance of respect in the workplace.  To respect someone means that you give him or her the privacy that he or she deserves as an employee, and that you do not distract him or her throughout the workday.
Privacy is a very controversial subject within the workplace.  Now it is possible for employers to read employees’ emails.  Cameras can let employers know every movement of their employees.  Also, when applying there is a lot of information that the employee must give the employer. “The requested information may at times be personal and potentially privacy sensitive.”(Palm, 2008) It is important for employers to learn the boundaries of privacy and not use any information given against the employee.
Avoiding distractions at work is a great way to show respect. “In today’s technological world, one can have access to many tools that can be of use to managers and leaders, but inappropriate use of those same tools can distract one from doing the most important work.”(Dance & Service, 2013) In today’s business world it is important for employees to keep on task so as to complete all assigned work.
Respect is important whether you are the owner of a business, a manager, or even an employee.  Each person must learn to respect his or her colleagues at work by giving him or her the privacy that he or she deserves and by avoiding distractions.  It does not matter if they are technological distractions or anything that makes it so that you are not on task.  If you show respect in the workplace, you will be more successful.


Dance, J. W., & Service, R. W. (2013). The attractive nuisance: A model to prevent workplace distractions. Journal of Multidisciplinary Research , 5 (2), 35.

Palm, E. (2008, August 25). Privacy expectations at work—What is Reasonable and Why? Ethic Theory Moral Prac , 212.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Professionalism in the Workplace

            In business there are many important characteristics of a professional employee. Employees show their professionalism when they are punctual and have integrity. Though these are not all of the characteristics of a professional employee, these are some of the more noteworthy characteristics that an employee should have.
            Punctuality refers not only to being on time at the beginning of the workday, but also refers to participating in all daily activities.  One piece of advice given to college graduates says: “Be punctual, ready to work and stay until the work is done, without complaining” (Gavzer, 2008). Punctuality is not about showing up on time and marking off of your professionalism checklist that you were punctual today.  It’s about being an active member of your work community and putting forth effort in every aspect of your job.
            Integrity refers to our honesty and firmness in our moral beliefs.  “Moral integrity requires one to distinguish right from wrong, and be prepared to speak up and act for right and against wrong, even under non-conducive circumstances” (Cleary, Jackson, Horsfall, & Walter, 2013).  An employee with integrity is an employee who can be trusted in all aspects of their job.
            Punctuality and integrity are two of the most important characteristics of professional employees because they are dependable to be on time and to play a large role in their organization.


Cleary, M., Jackson, D., Horsfall, J., & Walter, G. (2013). Promoting integrity in the workplace: A priority for all academic health professionals. Contemporary Nurse , 45 (2), 265.

Gavzer, K. (2008). 10 rules for life after graduation. Vetinary Medicine , 6.